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Diabetes Professional Care
15-16 October 2024, Olympia London

The UK's leading event for the entire team involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes and its related conditions.

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DPC 2023

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Clinical Theatre 2
  1. Clinical Theatre 2
    An overview of the national digital offer to patients and clinical commissioning services. Covering digital diabetes self-management and education programmes, and new Digital technology initiatives
  2. Clinical Theatre 2
    Play your ‘types’ right! Is it 1,2 or 3?
    The correct diagnosis and classification of diabetes seems to becoming more and more of a challenge. Especially with increased numbers of early onset type 2 diabetes along with a global increase, of c ...
  3. Clinical Theatre 2
    Practice Pearls & Hot Topics in Diabetic Retinopathy for Primary Care
    Join Dr. Kevin Fernando discuss updates regarding the common diabetes related complication, diabetic retinopathy and practical tips for managing the condition in Primary Care.  
  4. Clinical Theatre 2
  5. Clinical Theatre 2
    Easy guide to data interpretation – enhancing consultations for the person with Type 2 diabetes using the FreeStyle Libre 2 system
    Dr Bell shall discuss the consultation of the person living with Type 2 diabetes using the FreeStyle Libre 2 system. She shall explore the data available to view looking at the screenshots and the lan ...
  6. Clinical Theatre 2
  7. Clinical Theatre 2
  8. Clinical Theatre 2
    This session will cover the requesting, interpretation and management of commonly abnormal blood tests in people living with type 2 diabetes in primary care. Specifically , this session will cover abn ...
  9. Clinical Theatre 2
  10. Clinical Theatre 2
    The benefits and value of CGM
  11. Clinical Theatre 2
    Technology as an enabler for improved diabetes management – Sofa Chat
    Debbie and Vanessa, person living with Type 1 diabetes shall have a sofa chat discussing the impact that technology has had on the management of her diabetes, the challenges and practicalities, insigh ...
  12. Clinical Theatre 2
    DEIR is an online educational tool. It is free and easily accessible. It provides the basic knowledge around diabetes and it is aimed at people who may be caring for an older person living with diabet ...
  13. Clinical Theatre 2
    Eye complications: Involving patients in their own self-management
Clinical Theatre
  1. Clinical Theatre
    Healthy sleep is a key lifestyle component in the management of type 2 diabetes [124] as highlighted by the ADA/EASD 2022 consensus report. Sleep disorders are common in type 2 diabetes and are associ ...
  2. Clinical Theatre
  3. Clinical Theatre
    Explore the evolving world of GLP-1 receptor agonists, their multifaceted benefits, and clinical considerations. Discover emerging GLP-1 and dual agonists and learn how they go beyond glycaemic contro ...
  4. Clinical Theatre
    A whistle-stop tour of DAFNE, past (briefly), present and future. Learning outcomes: To understand how DAFNE training benefits patients, both in terms of glycaemia and quality of life To appreciated t ...
  5. Clinical Theatre
  6. Clinical Theatre
  7. Clinical Theatre
    Discussion of current vaccinations and Immunisations in the context of living with a chronic disease. Learning outcomes: Appreciation of current vaccinations and immunisations available with an unders ...
  8. Clinical Theatre
  9. Clinical Theatre
  10. Clinical Theatre
    Using CGM within Nice Guidance for patients needing insulin administered by community nurses. Learning outcomes: Differences between Capillary Glucose monitoring and CGM and the impact that this has i ...
Foot and Wound Clinic
  1. Foot and Wound Clinic
  2. Foot and Wound Clinic
    Short talk followed by a practical demonstration.  
  3. Foot and Wound Clinic
  4. Foot and Wound Clinic
  5. Foot and Wound Clinic
    Ross Walker from Clinisept+ will be talking about the two main factors that influence skin cell regeneration and reduce patient downtime. He will also show examples of how one low-cost product address ...
  6. Foot and Wound Clinic
    Prevention of active foot problems, is better than the cure?
    Diabetic foot complications can be avoid or minimised with education and guidance, once they occur however they can be life changing and have a significant impact on quality of life.
  7. Foot and Wound Clinic
    Short talk followed by a practical demonstration.
  8. Foot and Wound Clinic
    Short talk followed by a practical demonstration.
  9. Foot and Wound Clinic
    Short talk followed by a practical demonstration.
  10. Foot and Wound Clinic
  11. Foot and Wound Clinic
  12. Foot and Wound Clinic
    Short talk followed by a practical demonstration.
Future of Diabetes Care
  1. Future of Diabetes Care
  2. Future of Diabetes Care
    Using Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System in Children and Young People with Diabetes: Sharing UK Clinical Experiences
    Dr Ruben Willemsen will explore case studies to illustrate how children and young people living with type 1 diabetes are using Omnipod® 5 in UK clinical practice. The UK Panther tool will be used as a ...
  3. Future of Diabetes Care
    The Use of Technology in the management of older adults with type 2 diabetes
    The updated NICE guidance suggests that older adults requiring assistance with their self-administration and monitoring of insulin should have access to Continuous Glucose Monitoring, however, the nee ...
  4. Future of Diabetes Care
    Session delivered by iHealthScreen
  5. Future of Diabetes Care
    Whether you're a recent graduate seeking a concise overview or a seasoned expert wanting a moment to reflect on just how far we've come, Jack invites you on a whistle-stop tour of diabetes through the ...
  6. Future of Diabetes Care
    Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Type 2 Diabetes: Building the Evidence
  7. Future of Diabetes Care
    The current model of treating symptoms, traps patients in a cycle of medication and worsening complications, and is bankrupting the NHS. There is another way! Type 2 diabetes can be placed into remiss ...
  8. Future of Diabetes Care
    Demographics, management and outcomes for children and young people with Type 2 Diabetes
    A focus on Type 2 diabetes in the young. The numbers continue to increase with this aggressive phenotype with complications arriving sooner than those with type 1 diabetes for the same duration. This ...
  9. Future of Diabetes Care
    The two main causes of visual impairment in the working age-group are glaucoma and diabetic eye disease. People from a global majority background are at an increased risk of developing these condition ...
  10. Future of Diabetes Care
    Talk 1: Title: Enhancing Wound Healing in Diabetic Foot Ulceration: An Exploration of Evidence-Based Technologies and the Integral Contributions of IWGDF and EWMA Talk 2: Title: The Role of Podiatry i ...
  11. Future of Diabetes Care
    Using Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System in Adults with Diabetes: Sharing UK Clinical Experiences
    Dr Sufyan Hussain will explore case studies to illustrate how adults living with diabetes are using Omnipod® 5 in UK clinical practice. The UK Panther tool will be used as a framework to provide an ov ...
  12. Future of Diabetes Care
    JDRF research: innovations and opportunities for healthcare professionals
    How we treat type 1 diabetes is evolving. From hybrid closed loop to novel insulins, immunotherapies to lab-grown beta cells, research and technology advancements are transforming our potential to man ...
Heart & Kidney Clinic
  1. Heart & Kidney Clinic
    Our current model of diabetes management acts quite far downstream in the pathophysiology of diabetes. Consequently it can be insufficient in preventing diabetic complications. Conversely, tackling th ...
  2. Heart & Kidney Clinic

    Abnormal liver function tests and raised fasting triglyceride levels often reflect Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) A common condition that often leads to insulin resistance and T2 diabetes it is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Heart disease often has its origin in the liver! We explore how improving diet can help.

    Why are abnormal liver function tests and raised fasting triglyceride levels so common in T2Diabetes? In part this is due to NAFLD which now affects 38% of the developed world. It is part of the 'long silent scream' from the liver for about ten years before the development of T2D itself. This lecture discusses a dietary solution. Dr Unwin's low carb clinic has results going back over ten years. We will be looking at the underlying physiology and some recent evidence for this simple approach.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Why is NAFLD so common?
    • Find out how high triglyceride levels and NAFLD are related.
    • What has this to do with insulin resistance?
    • Why does a low carb diet help so quickly?
  3. Heart & Kidney Clinic
  4. Heart & Kidney Clinic
  5. Heart & Kidney Clinic
    Cardio-renal axis
  6. Heart & Kidney Clinic
    This presentation looks at the close association between diabetes and heart failure from epidemiology to the diagnosis and current management strategies from a heart failure perspective. Learning outc ...
  7. Heart & Kidney Clinic
    An Evidence-based approach to Preventing Cardiac and Renal Complications using the Alphabet Strategy: Focus on Diabetes Care in the South Asian Community
  8. Heart & Kidney Clinic
    Bringing clinical research to the homes of people living with Type II diabetes - The future of clinical research?
    What if a clinical trial could be conducted at the patients home? Decentralised clinical trials (DCTs) move the trial activities to the patient’s home and have the potential to enhance the conduct of ...
  9. Heart & Kidney Clinic
  10. Heart & Kidney Clinic
    My Kidneys and Me : development and evaluation of a digital health intervention for Chronic Kidney Disease
    This presentation will describe the evidence-based co-production, development and evaluation of “My Kidneys and Me”, a novel and ambitious education and self-management digital health intervention for ...
  11. Heart & Kidney Clinic
  12. Heart & Kidney Clinic
Keynote Theatre
  1. Keynote Theatre
    The place of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in T1 Diabetes is well established, but what role (if any) can CGM play in the care of people with T2 Diabetes? Currently the guidelines centre around ...
  2. Keynote Theatre
    National update from the NHS Diabetes Programme
  3. Keynote Theatre
    The development and evaluation of a multifactorial management intervention to address multimorbidity in adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes (aged 16-40 years): An overview of the “M3” Research Programme
    Adults with early-onset type 2 diabetes (diagnosed <40 years) have high lifetime risk of complications, and are characterised by an extreme risk phenotype at diagnosis. Prevalence is rising, yet they ...
  4. Keynote Theatre
    Fasting during the month of Ramadan entails abstaining from eating, drinking, or taking oral medications from dawn to sunset for 30 days. It is estimated that there are over 150 million Muslims with d ...
  5. Keynote Theatre
  6. Keynote Theatre
    I have been supporting my daughter with type 1 diabetes for nearly 6 years and dread our clinic appointments so much I no longer attend. My husband takes my daughter instead. In this session, I will b ...
  7. Keynote Theatre
    Since the 1990s, people with type 1 diabetes have been advised they can eat what they like as long as they inject an appropriate amount of insulin. Many find this does not work, and often experience p ...
  8. Keynote Theatre
    Exploring the impact of Ramadan on the management of people with diabetes and understanding the related acute complications.  Advice on identifying medication and lifestyle adjustments required to sup ...
  9. Keynote Theatre
    Understand existing national guidance and best practice guidelines Understand terminology associated with Advance Care Planning: LPA, ADRT, DNACPR, Ensure the care you deliver focuses on What Matters ...
  10. Keynote Theatre
    Chris will give an brief overview of the basic principles of machine learning (including the selection of appropriate applications for machine-learning driven models in the clinical context), and cove ...
  11. Keynote Theatre
    This session will focus on the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme, a behaviour change programme using total diet replacement to drive highly significant weight loss and potential remissio ...
  12. Keynote Theatre
    Practical implementation of CGM in Type 2 diabetes- Who, How and When
    Dr Bell shall discuss the criteria for initiation of CGM in the person living with Type 2 diabetes. Dr Bell will review the NICE guidelines who fits the criteria, how to implement the technology and a ...
  13. Keynote Theatre
  14. Keynote Theatre
NHS Park
  1. NHS Park
    Join Diabetes UK and two patients, one diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and one at risk, who are using two of the most high-profile NHS diabetes programmes – the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Pr ...
  2. NHS Park
    Through collaboration with the NHS Diabetes team, NHS Diabetic Eye Screening programme team and Diabetes UK, a full review of invitation and results letters was undertaken, and the recommendations hav ...
  3. NHS Park
    Representatives from West Yorkshire Diabetes System Programme and the West Yorkshire provider of Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission (T2DR) programme, Xyla, will: Describe West Yorkshire's approach to N ...
  4. NHS Park
  5. NHS Park
    The North West Coast Diabetes Team designed and led a programme of work called the Diabetes Health Inequalities Programme (DHIP). DHIP was a collaborative and sharing programme that sponsored initiati ...
  6. NHS Park
    This session will cover:  Summary of the NICE Type 2 Guidelines National Diabetes Audit Data The need for multifactorial intervention Role of newer agents in diabetes care Discussion of the participan ...
  7. NHS Park
    This session will cover the background of what Reproducible Analytical Pipelines are and summarise the main benefits of building one. It will then show how that has been applied within the National Di ...
  8. NHS Park
    Whilst type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented, type 2 diabetes is largely preventable through lifestyle changes. Around nine out of 10 people with diabetes have type 2 and there are currently two million ...
  9. NHS Park
    Launched in April 2021, the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme delivers the NHS Long Term Plan commitment to provide a targeted weight management offer to patients living with obesity, with a dia ...
  10. NHS Park
    We will describe how the Yorkshire & the Humber Diabetes Clinical Network showcased to their 3 ICBs how the NDA Dashboards could be used to establish the most up to date position on Primary Care Recov ...
  11. NHS Park
    In this session, explore the process and content of moving from 6 locally commissioned diabetes services to one in Sussex. We will share how this has been achieved, the challenges, pitfalls and recomm ...
  12. NHS Park
    The Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) identifies and refers people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes into a nine-month, sustainable lifestyle change programme. Participants ...
  13. NHS Park
    The session will explore the implementation of a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) policy and clinical guidance document to support the initiation and uptake of CGM in primary care.  Following the N ...
  14. NHS Park
    Within BLMK, we are aware that health inequalities exist in the uptake of CGM technologies.  Our BLMK Diabetes CGM, Insulin Pumps and Diabetes Technologies Working Group wanted to ensure our health in ...
Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
  1. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    Type 1 diabetes presents management challenges for those with type 1 diabetes who engage in physical activity. There are such a wide variety of sports with unique physical demands that clinicians need ...
  2. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    A whistlestop tour of the impact of the menopause on women with diabetes. To provide confidence and knowledge in how to approach the issues for women with diabetes. A discussion of the latest approach ...
  3. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    Paul's story brings the research around type 1 diabetes and exercise to life in a way that you can relate to your patient's and your clinical practice.
  4. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    Why Safety is Important with Injection Techniques
    In Debbie Hicks' session on injection techniques, safety takes centre stage, particularly with GlucoRx Dual-Safe Pen Needles. These needles reduce needlestick injury risks and ensure precise injection ...
  5. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    Bridging the gap in diabetes care - what role can peer support play?
    People with diabetes spend a mere three hours yearly with healthcare professionals, leaving a gap of 8,757 hours. In today's healthcare and economic challenges, is peer support the missing link?This p ...
  6. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
  7. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    Understanding the common oral health problems affecting people with diabetes. Learning outcomes: What to look out for in your patients How to treat simple conditions When and how to refer
  8. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    We try to compress the 3 day Knuston Hall Diabetes Counselling and Empowerment Course in 60 minutes, using a workshop atmosphere to help learning. Who holds the responsibility for diabetes care – is i ...
  9. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    The concept of a "body weight set point" has long been a topic of debate within the field of obesity and weight management. The idea suggests that the body has a biologically determined weight range t ...
  10. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
  11. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
  12. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    Competitive Sports with T1D
    Join us as we delve into the world of sport with type one diabetes. We’ll be looking at the time before, during and after exercise and how athletes at any level taking part in sports, can improve thei ...
  13. Nutrition & Lifestyle Clinic
    This session will focus on the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, the world’s first nationwide lifestyle change programme to prevent type 2 diabetes. It will include a summary of the programme, recent ...


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