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Diabetes Professional Care
15-16 October 2024, Olympia London

The UK's leading event for the entire team involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes and its related conditions.

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DPC 2023

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Abnormal liver function tests in T2Diabetes: What to do?

16 Nov 2023
Heart & Kidney Clinic

Abnormal liver function tests and raised fasting triglyceride levels often reflect Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) A common condition that often leads to insulin resistance and T2 diabetes it is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Heart disease often has its origin in the liver! We explore how improving diet can help.

Why are abnormal liver function tests and raised fasting triglyceride levels so common in T2Diabetes? In part this is due to NAFLD which now affects 38% of the developed world. It is part of the 'long silent scream' from the liver for about ten years before the development of T2D itself. This lecture discusses a dietary solution. Dr Unwin's low carb clinic has results going back over ten years. We will be looking at the underlying physiology and some recent evidence for this simple approach.

Learning outcomes:

  • Why is NAFLD so common?
  • Find out how high triglyceride levels and NAFLD are related.
  • What has this to do with insulin resistance?
  • Why does a low carb diet help so quickly?


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