Exclusive MDT Panel sessions at DPC2019
Diabetes Professional Care 2019 (DPC2019) will once again bring everyone involved in diabetes care together for two day of practical skills, latest updates and sharing best practice.
The fifth annual DPC conference and exhibition, held on 29 & 30 October, will once again attract a diverse range of healthcare professionals, commissioners, service leads, policy makers and organisations, involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes, and its related conditions.
The NHS Five Year Forward View (FYFV) emphasises the need to dissolve the traditional boundaries between primary care, community services and hospitals, recognising that this traditional divide is increasingly a barrier to the personalised and coordinated health services people need.
So, this year’s CPD-accredited conference programme will feature an increased focus on multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) and integrated care, to support better delivery of diabetes care across all therapy areas, through a series of MDT Panel sessions.
Unmissable MDT Panel highlights
These practical, interactive sessions will provide a platform for all healthcare professionals to discuss solutions, share experiences and gain real-world knowledge, across all diabetes-related therapy areas.
With the move to a new, bigger hall at Olympia London, the DPC Conference Programme will also feature five new workshop-style clinic theatres: Cardiovascular (CV) Clinic; Kidney Clinic; Eye Clinic; Mental Health & Wellbeing Zone; and Nutritional & Lifestyle Clinic.
There is a lot of content on offer, so please read the DPC Event Director, Toby Baker’s must-attend MDT Panel sessions below:
Keynote Panel: The simplicity of type 2 diabetes – and what to do about it
Prof Roy Taylor; Dr Dinesh Nagi; and Mark Olejnik (PWD)
Panellists will discuss the new understanding of type 2 diabetes and what this means for everyday clinical practice and give insight into studies, including Counterpoint and DiRECT, which show why and how type 2 diabetes can be reversed to normal by substantial weight loss.
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Panel: Diabetes Clinical Networks
Led by Abigail Kitt, Quality Improvement Lead (Diabetes), NHS England – South East Clinical Networks
Discover how all 12 Diabetes Strategic Clinical Networks have been working to support the 5 Year Forward ambitions for the prevention, treatment and care of people with diabetes.
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Panel: multi-morbidity care in diabetes
Prof Kamlesh Khunti; Prof Alan Sinclair; and Dr Samuel Seidu
This session will cover how multimorbidity influences clinical decision-making in the areas of three important and common co-morbidities:
- Cardio-metabolic disease
- Frailty and dementia
- Practical method of management of these conditions in a setting of diabetes
Panel: Cities Changing Diabetes – Leicester
Prof Melanie Davies; Dr Deirdre Harrington; and Dr Natalie Darko
Overview of the Cities Changing Diabetes initiative which has been implemented in the first UK city with examples of community involvement and how the urban environment can be harnessed in the prevention and management of DM.
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Panel: How do we adapt low carb diets to suit the individual?
Dr David Unwin; Dr Nicola Guess; Dr Kesar Sadhra; and Tara Kelly
So now we all agree a low carb diet is an acceptable and potentially effective approach to Type 2 diabetes, how do we make the most of this potential? And are there any pitfalls to look out for?
- Aspects of the diet are the most important determinants of outcomes
- HOPE is central to effectiveness
Panel: LTP & The Diabetes Specialist Nursing Workforce
Debbie Hicks and Mark Radford
Results of the Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN) Audit and the impact they have on the Diabetes Workforce including:
- Where nurses are located geographically
- Which environment the diabetes nurses are located – ‘Hospital, Community or Both’
- Which pay band these nurses work under
- Current titles used by nurses working wholly within diabetes
Diabetes Divas – 70 years of diabetes nursing
Debbie Hicks; June James; and Jill Hill
Quiz the founders of diabetes nursing organisation TREND-UK at the ‘70 Years of diabetes nursing’ discussion panel and develop your diabetes nursing career or find out about getting into the profession from the vast experience of TREND-UK Co-chairs.
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Panel: digital innovation in diabetes
Led by NHS England, NHS Digital, NHS Diabetes Programme and Ben McGogh
Recognising that face to face interventions do not always work for everyone, this session will explore how digital options can provide more flexibility and potentially improve access to the NHS Diabetes Programme, including:
- NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
- HeLP Healthy Living for People with Diabetes
- Case studies: the three NHS Test Bed sites which are trailing digital technologies to positively transform the way in which diabetes healthcare is delivered for patients and carers
- Making flash glucose monitors on prescription for every patient who qualifies for them, in line with NHS clinical guidelines
Panel: Addressing health inequalities in diabetic chronic kidney disease care
Led by Kidney Charities Together group (speakers include PWDs)
- The extent of health inequalities in the UK amongst lower socio-economic groups and BAME communities, with regard to diabetic kidney disease
- Cultural barriers to accessing healthcare
- Approaches to patient engagement and learnings
- Importance of managing CKD risk in ‘at risk’ or poorly-reached communities
To view the full conference agenda and create a personalised schedule, please download our DPC2019 App, kindly sponsored by GlucoRx.
DPC2019 remains free-to-attend for all healthcare professionals, commissioners and service managers. So, register your free place online now or call 023 80811 1551 – and take a vital step towards gaining CPD-accredited diabetes skills and knowledge.