This site is intended for UK healthcare professionals only

Diabetes Professional Care
15-16 October 2024, Olympia London

The UK's leading event for the entire team involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes and its related conditions.

Are you a UK healthcare professional?

We are unfortunately unable to allow patients to attend Diabetes Professional Care

If you would like more information on general practice or primary care, please refer to the NHS website.

Visit the NHS website

Poster Zone

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Call for papers

Poster Zone                      

How does it work?

Your abstract should demonstrate an appropriate and/or innovative piece of work relating to patient care and/or your practice. We welcome abstracts relating to the overall themes of our main content theatres listed below. Abstract assessment will be based on the quality of abstract, relevance of the project described, the reproducibility and awareness of current NHS policy and practice. An independent adjudication panel will be convened and meet to assess the applications to determine the abstracts that will be presented.

All accepted poster presenters must attend Diabetes Professional Care and Cardiovascular Professional Care, on 15-16 October 2024 at Olympia London. 

Posters that have been presented at other events in the last 24 months will also be accepted.

Abstract deadline: 17:00 on Friday 16 August 2024

Abstract guidelines

We welcome abstracts relating to the overall themes of our main content theatres.

Diabetes Professional Care:

  • Diabetic Foot Care
  • Nutrition and Lifestyle Management
  • Diabetes Management and Prevention
  • Clinical Excellence in Diabetes Care
  • Cardiometabolic health
  • Advanced Treatments and Innovations
  • Wound Care
  • Complication Mangement

Cardiovascular Professional Care:

  • Prevention and Rehabilitation
  • Clinical Science
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Advanced Treatments and Innovations

Abstract structure

  • Title
  • Authors and affiliation
  • Background and introduction
  • Aims and objectives
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion and conclusion
  • References (max 3)

You can include a maximum of one image, graph, chart, or table.

You must provide relevant justification for ethical approval.

Word count: A maximum of 500 words, excluding title, authors, subheadings, references, and tables/images etc. Please note that your submission will be rejected if you do not follow the abstract structure.

Important information

  • Your abstract should champion the patient voice.
  • Your abstract should relate to the presenters’ own work.
  • Your abstract should relate to diabetes or cardiovascular practice.
  • All accepted poster presenters must attend Diabetes Professional Care and Cardiovascular Professional Care. The poster is not able to be displayed if the presenter is unable to attend.
  • If your poster has been presented at other events in the last 24 months, you must include in your entry form where and when you previously presented your poster.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that all appropriate approvals have been received, including any ethical approvals. You should include a statement on approvals in your entry.

Adjudication process

The independent adjudication panel’s decision will be final and will not enter any discussion or correspondence. The abstracts will be adjudicated by the following criteria:

  • Clarity of aims and objectives
  • Originality of work
  • Relevancy to practice

Poster guidelines

Accepted abstracts will be announced by Friday 13 September 2024.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the team on


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