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Diabetes Professional Care
15-16 October 2024, Olympia London

The UK's leading event for the entire team involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes and its related conditions.

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Exhibitor testimonials

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“Our stand has been the busiest it’s ever been at a conference. It’s clear we’re building awareness here. Usually, the people we speak to know all about our brand and our products, but here we’re coming across a lot of people who have never heard of us, and they seem really engaged! What’s great is a lot of them have been people who run CCGs, so we’re reaching a whole new wave of decision makers.”

Yello Balolia, Author & Director, Cals & Carbs

“DPC has become the most important event for diabetes care in the UK. You can tell by the attendance, by the number of people, by the buzz, but also by the science that is presented here that this really is a major event. So being AstraZeneca, having a very large footprint in the UK, trying to work in the socio-economic fabric of the UK, there’s no way we’re not present here, supporting this event and really bringing everything we can to Diabetes Professional Care.”

Laurent Abuaf, Country President, UK, AstraZeneca

“DPC is a really important event for us in our calendar. It gives us an opportunity to engage with a lot of HCPs and gives us access to people who we don’t necessarily see throughout the year as well. It’s a busy, busy show – our stand is constantly packed.”
“It’s really important for us that we maximise on all of our investments and opportunities and we feel we really get that by coming to DPC.”

Jill Kittle, Events and Medical Education Lead, Napp Pharmaceuticals

“It’s great to be back for live conferences, it’s been really really busy, a lot of engagement and a lot of energy, people show a real interest and want to learn. We have had a really busy two days on the stand, we have had a lot of engagement from many different healthcare professionals.”

Christopher Hall – Brand Manager, Viatris

“The business at DPC has been immense, I have never done so many demos in an exhibition ever. We had groups of people 3 or 4 deep, out into the aisle, it was really busy, and we received lot of good feedback and a lot of positive comments.”

David Eyre – General Manager UK & Ireland, Arkray

Chris Chapman, Group Managing Director, GlucoRx“I like that DPC has moved into a bigger hall, it has given us better access and a better flow to the delegates, it has also allowed us to display our products better. We have engaged with healthcare professionals on mass, and there’s no other way to access that many in the same place at the same time. For diabetes, this is definitely the best show in the UK, simply amazing.”

Chris Chapman, Group Managing Director, GlucoRx

“The attendance level was amazing, the show had a much bigger buzz than other UK events, and I feel like we got more for our money.”

Lauren Trowbridge, Event Operations Project Manager, Novo Nordisk

“I really enjoyed talking to all of the people on the show floor and I had lots of engagement. I was able to pick up new leads, meet new customers and get our name out there.”

Nicholas Feenie, Business Development, Collage of Contemporary Health

“The show floor has been busy with a very good level of engagement, we didn’t know what to expect but we have been talking to the right people and have had a lot of interaction with healthcare professionals.”

Alex Benny & Sophie Gilling, Engagement Leads, National Diabetes Audit

“It’s been brilliant! I feel like I was able to increase my brand awareness due to the high footfall, it has been busier than other shows I have been to, very exciting and diverse.”

Jane Redding, Diabetes Specialist, DWELL

“It’s fantastic. It’s a great event with a lot of diabetes professionals and it’s something we value a lot. There’s a lot of activity at the event this year and we’re certainly looking forward to being here again next year, so we’ve already made plans for that.”

Hjalte Hojsgaard, Regional Director, UK and Benelux, Insulet Corporation

“We are happy to exclusively exhibit here every year, it is worthwhile, enjoyable and eventful.”

Steve Lille, Office Manager, DRWF

“You get such a mix of healthcare professionals. You get to speak to so many people and there’s a really good energy about it as well.”

Alexis Besson, Outcomes Specialist, Roche Diabetes Care

“We’ve been coming for several years and it’s a prime opportunity for us to showcase our new products.”

Stephanie Carter, Marketing Executive, Owen Mumford


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