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14 Nov 2022

Using PARM Diabetes to support the re-escalation of diabetes care

Using PARM Diabetes to support the re-escalation of diabetes care

In 2020, healthcare priorities shifted abruptly towards managing the acute effects of the COVID pandemic on health.

As a consequence, care for chronic conditions was negatively impacted and people living with diabetes experienced a decline in the 8 Care Processes annual checks received, to guide the management of their diabetes.

In 2018, Lilly UK and NHS Devon CCG began working jointly on a project focusing on a system change in the treatment of type 2 Diabetes.

The result was ProActive Register Management (PARM) Diabetes, which is a population health management tool that helps GP practices to move from ad-hoc patient care to more proactive disease management.

It makes it easier to identify people living with type 2 diabetes (PwT2D) who may require review or any potential changes to their current treatment plan.  

Key benefits of PARM Diabetes:

  • Identifies PwT2D who require a review or intervention by risk-stratifying large patient lists into more manageable cohorts which enables the appropriate clinician to further analyse these cohorts
  • Supplements natural recovery of the 8 Care Processes and cohort consideration for improving on the 3 Treatment Targets

PARM Diabetes is compatible with EMIS, SystmOne and Vision clinical systems. The PARM tool is simple to use and has been designed in such a way to ensure that patient data remains appropriately safeguarded within GP practices.

Since PARM Diabetes was initially launched nationally in September 2020, over 500 GP practices have implemented this management tool into their organisations.

“The PARM Diabetes tool has enabled us to effectively identify and troubleshoot our patients with type 2 diabetes who have been benefited from closer scrutiny and wider review from the community diabetes team. We have achieved much better control and reduced physician inertia. - Dr Matt Waterman, GP at Wembury Surgery, Devon

Lilly provides PARM Diabetes to NHS organisations as a free-of-charge donation. 

If you would like to implement PARM diabetes for your organisation, or to learn more about the tool, please email and you will be put in touch with your local account manager shortly.


November 2022
© 2022 Eli Lilly and Company. All rights reserved.
The PARM Diabetes tool has been co-developed by Lilly and NHS Devon CCG, with Lilly providing funding for the
development of materials and coordinating wider adoption in the NHS.
NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group © Working together for Devon. All rights reserved

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