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Diabetes Professional Care
15-16 October 2024, Olympia London

The UK's leading event for the entire team involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes and its related conditions.

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17 Oct 2022

Tech area to launch at this year’s Diabetes Professional Care conference

Tech area to launch at this year’s Diabetes Professional Care conference

Diabetes Professional Care is proud to be adding a new area dedicated to Technology Presentations to this year’s national conference.

The area will be situated close to the conference’s Keynote Theatre and will showcase technological products designed to help healthcare professionals better improve the quality of care for people living with diabetes.

Exhibitors with stands alongside the new area include MyWay Digital Health (MWDH) which runs digital platforms that provide access to 250 educational modules in a variety of different formats, including text, animations and short videos.

Its programmes are approved by QISMET (Quality Institute for Self Management Education and Training) and when the pandemic hit, it was approached by NHS England to create a national type 1 diabetes digital platform which is now available to people across the country.

A key component for MWDH is also allowing people with diabetes to access their NHS data and upload home data and receive personalised insights, delivered through their MyWay Diabetes app.

COO Chris Avery said: “MyWay Diabetes gives individuals online access to their medical records.

“This allows them to see information like their historic HbA1c records alongside tailored information so we can provide them with education that is relevant to their needs.

“The service is personalised to them. So, for example, someone with type 1 diabetes will receive different information to that which is sent to someone who has been newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Using data, we also support more personalised treatment and triage through predictive analytics approaches.

“We’re currently commissioned by six large regions in England – and are very proud that around 25 per cent of the diabetic population in England already has access to our platform.

“The system is incredibly cost effective and has made a huge difference to the regions which have commissioned us. Every £1 spent on our platforms has been demonstrated to save £5 in healthcare costs.

“We’re delighted to be exhibiting at this year’s DPC show because we know it will give us the chance to connect with a large number of organisations and we’re very keen to build collaborations and partnerships.”

The organisation also runs MyWay Clinical for healthcare professionals which integrates health care provider and home-recorded data to produce a complete diabetes electronic health record and analytics platform.

Chris added: “This is a great resource because, for example, GP practices can use the data to identify patients with high HbA1c, or those at high risk of developing complications, and set up triages to support them.

“On the back of more than two years of Covid, and a lack of face-to-face appointments, we’re getting more and more reports of people in this situation who need this type of assistance.”

Another attendee will be The Younger Lives Group which is made up of world-leading experts in age-based risk assessments and programme design.

Since developing their innovative heart age test in 2007, the company has worked with private and public sector clients across the globe and has now launched a new programme – Diabetes Age®.

Co-founder Dr Mark Cobain said: “We know only a third of people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels to the standards outlined in the National Diabetes Audit and only one in seven take part in the national structured education programme.

“DiabetesAge® has been created to help people living with type 2 diabetes learn how their condition is prematurely ageing them. This age approach to communicating risk provides strong motivation to take action and we give individuals the options to take control of their diabetes.

“Through our programme we can show people how poor blood glucose control is contributing to their bodies ageing faster than normal which really motivates them.

“Our research has found that after taking the Diabetes Age Test, 80 per cent of our participants were motivated to take action to control their blood glucose and 90 per cent were motivated to lose weight, get fitter or take their medication.

“We’re excited to share what we’re doing at the Diabetes Professional Care exhibition because we want to hear from health care professionals, diagnosticians and clinicians how they think our programmes can be best used in clinical settings.”

Diabetes Professional Care will take place from 16 to 17 November at Olympia London.

To register for the free, CPD-accredited event click here

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