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Diabetes Professional Care
15-16 October 2024, Olympia London

The UK's leading event for the entire team involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes and its related conditions.

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17 Nov 2021

DPC2021 creates buzz bringing community together in mission reboot

DPC2021 creates buzz bringing community together in mission reboot

Thousands of healthcare professionals received vital education at Diabetes Professional Care 2021 this week to help the NHS reboot diabetes care.

The buzz was back as the diabetes professional community came together at DPC2021, which took place at Olympia London on 10 and 11 November, representing the first in-person diabetes event in two years.

Attendees got the opportunity to access specialist education, clinical skills training network, share experiences, get the latest evidence and discuss best practice.

The focus of this year’s event was ‘Rebooting Diabetes Care’ post lockdown, reviewing the last two years and looking ahead to see how people living with diabetes and its related conditions can best be supported.

The national conference, which has a strong reputation for providing accessible education to healthcare professionals and has attracted thousands of visitors over the past seven years, was free to attend, CPD-certified and open to any healthcare professional involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes.

Nurses, consultants, GPs, pharmacists, dieticians and podiatrists were among the attendees, with safety at the forefront. Delegates’ COVID-19 status needed to be verified on arrival. All attendees were asked to wear masks in enclosed areas and there was enhanced cleaning carried out throughout the show and state-of-the-art ventilation systems.

DPC Founder Maggie Meer said: “I set up Diabetes Professional Care to share education and support the NHS to raise standards of care. This week we have done that. Everyone was so happy to be back together and learning as well as having those vital conversations which can only happen at a show like DPC. We care about people with diabetes, we care about the NHS and we are here to help diabetes teams reboot diabetes care.”

Toby Baker, DPC Event Director, added: “We were honoured and proud to play our part in helping the diabetes professional community to meet the huge challenge of getting diabetes care back to where it was before the pandemic.

“We have had such amazing feedback from people who were just absolutely thrilled to be able to meet together again in-person, sharing and picking up the latest guidance, knowledge, advice and best practice.”

Diabetes Professional Care returns to Olympia London in 2022 on 16 & 17 November. To find out about exhibiting at the event contact Toby Baker at

Healthcare professionals interested in visiting next year can register their interest here.

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