DPC2019 to support diabetes innovation and new start-ups
Diabetes Professional Care (DPC2019) is once again supporting start-ups and organisations at this year’s two-day show, taking place on 29 and 30 October.
Since inception in 2015, DPC has had a major focus on giving new pioneering companies the opportunity to showcase innovative product, service and new approaches to care.
This year will see the newly introduced Market Place, which will showcase ground-breaking approaches to nutrition and lifestyle, crucial elements of managing both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
The Cutting Edge is specifically designed for start-up companies that have developed, or are in the process of developing, pioneering new tech solutions or products. It demonstrates how academics, industry, technology, patients, caregivers and clinicians can together create opportunities for the collaboration of ideas, innovation and expertise.
DPC founder Maggie Meer said: “Now more than ever, attitudes, guidelines and approaches are changing based on new research. The Cutting Edge and Market Place are spaces that we’ve specifically created to provide a springboard to innovative organisations which are looking to showcase and build their network of key individuals.”
DPC’s Event Director, Toby Baker added, “The Cutting Edge is dedicated to the most innovative start-up companies in diabetes. And, in response to a new and emerging approach to diabetes care, The DPC Market Place will showcase leading organisations from the nutrition and lifestyle arena.”
“We want to make sure that, alongside more established companies in diabetes care, there’s the opportunity for smaller, forward-thinking companies to be here as well.”
DPC2019 is the UK’s largest free-to-attend, CPD-accredited conference, which this year has moved to a bigger space at Olympia because of increased demand.
The two-day show opens on Tuesday, October 29 and is for all healthcare professionals involved in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes, and its related conditions.
The multi-track conference programme includes eight main theatres and eight informal clinics, featuring practical consultation skills, latest clinical updates and examples of real-world service transformation to help you improve outcomes.