DPC Founder praises supporters and celebrates success of DPC2019
As I reflect back on 2019, I am very proud to see how DPC has grown, not only in the last year, but in the five years we have been organising the DPC conference and exhibition.
When I started the show back in 2015, our ambition was to provide free education to the NHS, to improve quality of care and outcomes for people with diabetes.
DPC2019 marked our fifth annual event and I am proud to announce that we welcomed a record-breaking 5,376 healthcare professionals, commissioners and policy makers.
This year marked the move to a larger conference hall at Olympia, London, which enabled us to meet the demand of our growing visitor and exhibitor base. We launched five new practical comorbidity clinics, offered a travel bursary for nurses (courtesy of James Potter), held an Experience of Diabetes Care Survey, offered delegates the opportunity to attend live cookery and injection technique demonstrations, and on top of all of that, GlucoRx enabled us to have our very own zeppelin flying around the hall.
We are also pleased to have welcomed back our Keynote speakers Prof Partha Kar and Prof Jonathan Valabhji OBE for our day one Keynote, which discussed the NHS Long Term Plan, and its commitment to improving diabetes care through digital innovation and type 2 prevention. We are very grateful to them both and all of our speakers and steering committee for taking time and providing us with support and help with the DPC2019 programme.
By organising DPC, I know I can help you in your role, whether you are working primary, secondary, community or private care. I am delighted to have seen an overwhelmingly positive response from the healthcare community – an impressive 96% of our visitors said us that they met their learning objectives as a result of attending DPC2019. Please continue to send us your feedback and recommendations for the 2020 programme via info@diabetespc.com.
We have a strong, passionate, long-term commitment to improving diabetes care through education, which is why DPC will always be free to attend and CPD-accredited. But, this is only possible due to the support of our partners, exhibitors, conference steering committee, James Potter and the DPC team, so please join me in thanking them for their contributions at this special time of year.
Above all, thank you to you and your team for your continued commitment and dedication to the patients you care for.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Kindest regards,
Maggie Meer