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19 Aug 2021

Digital type 2 diabetes education programme now available in 15 languages

Digital type 2 diabetes education programme now available in 15 languages

Healthcare professionals and people with type 2 diabetes are being urged to access a newly-translated education app which is available free of charge until August 31st. The X-PERT Diabetes Digital App was launched in April last year and includes all six sessions from the award-winning X-PERT Health group education, a programme which has been delivered for more than 20 years. X-PERT Health is a charity providing education to help prevent, manage or even reverse type 2 diabetes and other long-term conditions. Following the launch of its digital platform, the charity wanted to go one step further to ensure it reached new communities, particularly as some have a higher prevalence of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and the associated health complications.


To ensure users stay engaged, the app features animated videos, quizzes, games and interactive goal setting, with in-built tracking functions and a user forum. X-PERT Chief Executive Dr Trudi Deakin said: “We realised we needed to reach out to a diverse population and meet the needs of different patients. We know that ethnic minorities have a higher prevalence of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and we’re really hoping that the app can help them develop the knowledge and confidence to self-manage their condition to improve health and wellbeing and reduce the risk of complications.

“We know that one size doesn’t fit all and we will continue to deliver group sessions for those who want it, while the user-friendly app is perfect for those who want to access the programme in their own time, rather than in a group setting.

“We will continue to audit the results and compare the outcomes of the digital and in-person programmes.”

For those more confident using their first language, the app is now available in Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese, Nepali, Persian, Polish, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Tamil, Turkish and Urdu, in addition to English.

As the app is in its pilot stage, healthcare professionals who speak any of the 14 languages have been invited to give feedback.

Dr Deakin added: “The role of healthcare professionals is absolutely crucial in terms of ensuring people are signposted towards our digital offer. It’s available to those with prediabetes, those who are newly-diagnosed and people who have had type 2 diabetes for a long time but may not have had access to education before. 

“HCPs can really motivate people to take up structured education, which is particularly important in light of the pandemic as research shows the consequences of COVID-19 can be worse for people with diabetes or those who are overweight.”

The apps features include:

  • Supported self-management 

  • Physical activity tracking 

  • Mood and sleep tracking 

  • Goal setting and notifications 

  • Health results tracking 

More than 300,000 people have received the X-PERT Health group education, and the charity says it is continually updating and reviewing the content and delivery of its education offer.

For more information contact or call 01422 847871. 

Find out more about the X-PERT Programmes here



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