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02 Nov 2023

AstraZeneca – Our Unwavering Commitment to Shaping the Future of Type 2 Diabetes Care

AstraZeneca – Our Unwavering Commitment to Shaping the Future of Type 2 Diabetes Care
Oonagh McGill, Business Unit Director, AstraZeneca UK

This article has been has been written and funded by AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca has provided sponsorship funding towards the DPC programme but has had no input into the content other than AstraZeneca promotional symposia.

AstraZeneca is excited to be the Diamond Sponsor of this year's Diabetes Professional Care (DPC) conference. DPC plays a pivotal role as a central hub, uniting the diabetes community and fostering collaborative efforts to elevate the standard of diabetes management. Our shared goal is to address related health conditions and ultimately save lives.

At AstraZeneca, our science is advancing the understanding of underlying mechanisms that link diabetes to cardiorenal comorbidities. Our ambition is to treat patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) beyond glycaemic control to prevent cardiorenal complications, including chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), that may be associated with increased premature mortality and decreased quality of life.

The pressing nature of our mission is highlighted by the scale of morbidity and mortality in T2D, impacting patients and families and also NHS resources.¹,²,³, In 2022, there was a 13% increase in excess deaths associated with diabetes in England alone compared to pre-pandemic and this issue still persists today.⁴ The financial burden of T2D and its accompanying comorbidities accounts for 10% of the entire annual NHS budget.⁵ Approximately 80% of this expenditure is directed towards managing complications.⁵ Projections in ‘The Cost of Diabetes report’ indicate that by 2036, if unaddressed, the cost of T2D complications could surge significantly, by 72%, and exceed £15 billion.⁶,⁷

The early diagnosis and treatment of cardiorenal comorbidities represent an opportunity to reduce morbidity and mortality. We therefore take great pride in hosting a series of symposia at DPC 2023 to enhance understanding of the interconnectedness of cardiorenal complications. We will be sharing the scientific insights to support the optimisation of NICE guidelines on the Management of Type 2 diabetes in adults. ⁸ Knowledge exchange is instrumental to advance T2D diabetes management and save lives.⁹

While glycaemic management alone is undeniably fundamental, it does not mitigate the risk of cardiorenal events.¹⁰ Evidence shows that around 40% of people with T2D will develop CKD, ¹¹ By adopting a patient-centric, risk-based approach and actively seeking out significant cardiorenal comorbidities, we hold the potential to improve patient outcomes.

Together, as a united force, the diabetes community has an opportunity to reshape the trajectory of the T2D epidemic. Collaboration between industry and the NHS is vital to ensuring a comprehensive and proactive approach to address the broader healthcare landscape, including critical comorbidities. By collectively supporting high-quality diabetes care, we can elevate the quality of life and health outcomes for Type 2 diabetes patients.


GB-49793 | Date of preparation: November 2023

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