Founded over 100 years ago to assist those returning from war with limb loss, Steeper is renowned for delivering world-leading technologies and products, alongside responsive clinical services across the fields of prosthetics, orthotics and accessible technology. Steeper has a proven record of product innovation and service delivery on a global scale that could only be achieved by embracing our mission - to care for all and fundamentally enhance people’s lives with innovation, compassion, and integrity. Having recently joined the Eqwal Group, our international reach and ability to develop innovative new products and services has increased exponentially aligning with our mission.
Steeper GroupUnit 3, Stourton Link, Intermezzo Drive,
Intermezzo Drive
West Yorkshire
LS10 1DF
United Kingdom
Contact Exhibitor
The Streifeneder therapeutic shoe range covers a variety of applications, helping to ensure a suitable orthosis for each and every patient. At Steeper, we inherently understand the challenges and pres ...
Check out our purpose-built Steeper Factory where we manufacture a range of bespoke prosthetic and orthotic products.